Poly Hydroxy Acid: Acne Benefits, How to Use & Costs

Acne is one of the most common and widely spread chronic skin disorders affecting millions of people around the globe.

A lot of methods and medications have been introduced with time which ranges from anti biotic to various herbal and home remedies.

This article intends to discuss the effectiveness of poly hydroxy acids in treating acne and its advantage over other acids in doing the same.

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What is Polyhydroxy acid?

Poly hydroxyl acid, also otherwise known as PHA is a group of acids, quite similar to that of Alpha hydroxyl acid, especially when it comes to its functioning regarding skin care.

The two acids belonging to this class that is specifically used for skin care such as exfoliation and moisturizing are gluconolactone acid and lactobionic acid.

They are particularly gentle and less irritating for the skin and are hence considered ideal for sensitive skin. It comes forth as an improvement on alpha hydroxyl acid.

These acids are a better version of the alpha hydroxy acid in the sense that since their molecules are bigger, they penetrate the skin gradually and slowly in order to increase the impact and decrease the sense of irritation or tingling feeling on the skin.

They can penetrate through the dermal and epidermal layer of the skin.

How does Poly hydroxyl acid Helps treat acne?

Poly hydroxyl acid exhibits exfoliation properties and also tends to moisturize the skin.

They also tend to possess antioxidant properties which help in eliminating the acne-causing bacteria.

The antioxidant property helps in reducing the oxidative stress which eliminates the bacteria thereby preventing further breakouts and spreading of acne vulagaris.

The acids are further composed of water-attracting hydroxyl groups which keep the skin moist and hydrated, not causing the usual dryness associated with the use of other acids on the skin.

This aggravates the moisturizing effect that your skin receives.

However, it is best known for its exfoliation property. It tends to remove the dead skin cells inducing collagen fiber formation as a natural response of the immune system.

This tends to not only speed up the recovery process but also facilitate the formation of new skin cells and that give a rejuvenated and fresh appearance.

The poly hydroxyl acids are present in a large number of skin care products including lotions, creams, and cleansers.

Over time, this has also been included in peeling creams. Its use in peeling creams requires the following specifications:

  • It is used in combination with alpha and beta hydroxyl acids.
  • It causes minimum irritation.
  • It tends to improve the skin texture in general.
  • Because it is so gentle, it can be used every day.
  • The face must be cleaned with a non medicated cleanser before peeling.
  • Contact with eyes, mouth and mucous membrane should be avoided.

Benefits of Poly hydroxy acid

The benefits of using poly hydroxyl acid for skin care are many and some of them have been enumerated below:

  • It removes the dead skin cells and speeds up or promote skin turnover.
  • Its humectant effect improves moisturizing of the skin.
  • It tends to enhance the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
  • It protects the skin from the UV rays of the sun and therefore from sun damage.
  • It keeps the irritating chemicals from reaching the pores and prevents irritation by strengthening the skin stratum.
  • It makes the skin brighter and improves the skin tone.

Products containing poly hydroxy acid

Here is a list of skin care products containing poly hydroxyl acid that are used widely around the globe:

  • Epione ultra shield lotion SPF 50 : 25$
  • Skin ceuticals Sheer physical UV defense SPF 50 : 34$
  • Epione ultra shield lotion SPF 30 : 20$


Poly hydroxy acid has been used to benefit the skin widely across the world.

Its deep penetration power as well as the capacity to moisturize the skin remain unique and give it an edge over other products.

Its antioxidant property helps in fighting the acne-causing bacteria.

It has negligible side effects and is extremely beneficial for the skin. If you have not tried it yet, you must give it one try.

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