Surprising Benefits of Rosehip Oil for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are the linear stretch marks that generally occur on the skin when it has been overstretched.

These marks generally run parallel to each other and signify tension of the skin.

In beginning, they appear as red lines, but as the time passes they fade and turn over to off-white or white color.

They are present on the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, hips.

Human skin is made up of elastic fibers, which seem to get damaged and lose their elasticity and lead to stretch marks.

Read more on reasons of stretch marks in this detailed article.

Benefits of Rosehip oil for Stretch Marks

Rosehip oil is a seeded oil, extracted from the seeds of the rose bush which is wild in nature.

It is commonly used in skin care and its products.

It is used for skin conditions like acne, eczema and dermatitis, wrinkles and sun-burnt skin. It is also used for heal scarring.

Rosehip oil is naturally a rich source of essential fatty acids which include omega-3 and 6 fatty acids. It is also rich in Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and anti-oxidants.

Rosehip oil contains fatty acids and vitamin C, which penetrates the skin and is easily absorbed by the upper dermal layer.

Vitamin C present in Rosehip oil prevents discoloration of the skin and stimulates the production of collagen fibers.

It also helps in moisturizing the skin and softening of the epidermis.

Rosehip oil also contains trans-retinoic acid (vitamin A) which helps to regenerate damaged skin tissues.

Thus, the anti-sclerotic properties of rosehip oil make it ideal for diminishing stretch marks.

How to use Rosehip oil for Stretch Marks?

Unlike other essential oils, rosehip oil doesn’t have to be diluted and needed only in small amounts.

It can be applied directly to the affected areas, as it is suitable for all skin types. It can also be used in a mixture by combining with lavender, lemongrass, neroli to apply on skin.

First, the area where the oil has to be applied should be cleaned properly, and the oil should be applied and gently massaged there.

The oil should be rubbed on the affected area for 2-3 times. A day. However, the results become apparent in a few months.

Rosehip oil works great for the sensitive skin and can be generally used for a longer time period as a regular moisturizer. It is better not to apply before bathing, or it would get washed out with soap and water.

Apply rosehip oil with fingers and not a cotton ball, because this oil is dry oil and gets absorbed to whichever thing it comes in contact.

Precautions while using rosehip oil for stretch marks

  • Test the oil before applying it in large areas by applying it on a small spot of your arm, to check the allergic reaction on your skin.
  • Take care when applying any clothing away, until the oil is completely absorbed by the skin.
  • Keep rosehip oil out of reach of children.
  • Take care not to get the oil in the eyes or nose.
  • Wash the hands after massaging the oil on the affected area.
  • Avoid immediate exposure to UV light after massaging with the oil.


Rosehip oil is the oil obtained from the wild rose bushes, which is a rich source of vitamin A, C and E. It also contains omega-3 and 6 fatty acids and anti-oxidants.

Vitamin C helps in stimulation of collagen fibers and trans-retinoic acid helps to regenerate damaged skin tissues.

The anti-sclerotic properties of rosehip oil help on lighten stretch marks.

The oil is suitable for all skin types and has to be massaged on the affected area for 2-3 times a day, and a significant lightening of the marks can be observed within a few months.

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