20 Easy Weight loss Workouts for Working Women

Being a working woman is a challenging task in itself where you have to juggle between your work and your family constantly.

In the midst of that, if you have a fitness goal to achieve then things do get tough.

To make it easier we have compiled a list of 20 exercises that would suit every working woman’s need for achieving weight loss goals.

But before we get to that, let’s go over the challenges working women face when it comes to fitness and what you could do about them.

could do about them.

What are the challenges working women face when it comes to weight loss?

If a working woman wants to lose weight and work towards her fitness and herself, these are the challenges she might face.

Less Time: There are limited hours in a day, and work and family take up most of it. For mothers, this in itself is a challenge. You are always in a hurry to rush to work, and at home, there always seems to be a pile of never-ending chores.

  • What can you do: You can engage yourself in quick workouts at home and plan your projects, grocery lists, social events and workout schedule for the week.

No Energy: After a busy day at work, you do not have enough energy left required for a workout. This often leads to sleep deterioration and stress which again contribute to weight gain.

  • What can you do: You can do workouts in the morning for short durations when you feel fresh relatively but on a regular basis.

Work/Family or Weight Loss: For many women, work or family still comes before themselves, and the weight loss regime seems a distant dream.

  • What can you do: Share your chores with family members involving everyone and keep a ‘me’ time for yourself.

Monetary Aspect: When you are working, you are already cautious in your spendings. So, engaging in costly gym memberships or equipment makes you think twice.

  • What can you do: You do not compulsorily require a gym to lose weight. If you do the right workouts and exercises at home on a regular basis, it is equally effective. Invest in low-cost equipment like ropes or dumbells.

Hormonal and Emotional Issues: Your menstrual cycle comes with hormonal changes, mood swings, body discomfort and food cravings, which might make it difficult for you to keep up with your regime.

  • What can you do: You can do workouts which help you with your cramps or are beneficial in your periods. Also, stick to a diet plan.

Lack of Support: If you have family support, the task could become easier. But usually, the family, parents or husbands refuse to take you or your health goals seriously and are not supportive.

  • What can you do: Talk to your family about your goals and things that matter to you and be regular in your approach. They will take you seriously only if you take yourself seriously. Also, try to divide your chores evenly with the members.

Exercises For Working Women

20 Effective Exercises For Working Women To Lose Weight

Here are 15 effective workouts which you can do at your home quickly and achieve your weight loss goals.

1. Side Plank

This is a simple way to tighten and shrink your waistline.

How to do it:

  • Lie down on your right side keeping your knees straight.
  • Lift your upper body on your right hand keeping the elbows and forearms straight.
  • Raising the pelvis area, form a straight line from shoulders till your ankle.

How much should be done: Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Repeat by reversing the sides.

How it helps: It stretches abdominal muscles, reducing your waistline.

Precautions: In the case of wrist or back injury, consult with a doctor.


2. Push-ups

Burn a large number of calories with this full body workout.

How to do it:

  • Begin on all fours with hands more than shoulder-width apart and feet together.
  • Lower your chest down to the floor.
  • Then push yourself up to the starting position.
  • Do not bend your knees or back.

How much should be done: Repeat 10-20 times.

How it helps: It is a complete body workout that burns calories and stretches the chest muscles.

Precautions: Avoid in case of wrist or back injuries.


3. Second Position Plies

This exercise is a must-do for lean legs as it sculpts your thighs and glutes.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight with legs apart by 3.5-4 feet.
  • Keeping the torso straight, lower body by bending knees such that your thighs become parallel to the floor.
  • Raise your arms up towards the ceiling but pull your shoulders down and back.

How much should be done: Stay for 20-30 seconds. Come back to starting position by pushing up.

How it helps: It stretches and strengthens the hips, thighs, and legs.

Precautions: If you had recent hip surgery or knee injury, consult with a doctor before attempting.


4. Sit-ups

Work up your quadriceps and rear and get stronger legs with this simple exercise.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight in front of a chair/bench/stairs that acts as resistance.
  • Put your right foot on it firmly such that thighs are about parallel to the floor.
  • Shift your entire weight on the right foot and lift yourself up on the bench/chair/stairs till right leg is straight.
  • Lower yourself down again till left foot touches the floor.

How much should be done: Reverse the sides and repeat 10-20 times.

How it helps: It stretches and strengthens the knees, glutes, legs, hamstrings, and hips.

Precautions: Proceed with caution in case of knee injuries


5. Bridge

Want a perfect and healthy back and rear? Try out this exercise.

How to do it:

  • Lie down on the floor with your face up, knees bent and arms by your sides.
  • Your feet and palms should be flat on the floor.
  • Keeping the arms down and pushing them on the floor, lift your hips up.
  • Your shoulders, hips, and knees should form a straight line.

How much should be done: Remain in this state for 10-20 seconds and repeat for 10-20 times.

How it helps: It stretches the back, hips, and thighs and strengthens the knees, shoulders, and spine.

Precautions: if you have knee, shoulder or back injury, seek medical intervention.


6. Squats

This lower body workout targets multiple muscle groups.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your knees, push your hips back and lower the body as much as you can.
  • Remain in this position for 1-2 seconds and go back to the starting position.

How much should be done: Do this 10-20 times and increase gradually.

How it helps: It mainly focuses on your thighs and hips and strengthens the knees, hip muscles, hamstring, calves, and glutes.

Precautions: Avoid in case of knee or back problems.


7. Shoulder stand

Include this exercise in your regime for a good posture and reduce the deposition of fat.

How to do it:

  • Lie down on your back with legs and arms straight.
  • Gradually lift your legs up without bending the knees.
  • Then lift your hips up supporting your back with your hands, such that legs are raised up in the air.
  • Your shoulders, hips, and ankles should be in a straight line.

How much should be done: Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds and return to the starting position by slowly bringing down the hips and legs.

How it helps: It stretches both, the upper and lower body while strengthening the legs, hips, glutes, back, and arms.

Precautions: Consult a medical practitioner if you have neck, shoulder or back problems.


8. Lunges

The lunge is a quick, easy and essential exercise for toned legs and backside.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight with shoulders back and face forward.
  • Step your right foot forward, bending both knees and lowering the hips.
  • The right shin should be perpendicular and the right thigh parallel to the floor.
  • Both the knees should be bent at right angles.
  • The left knee should not touch the floor while lowering yourself.
  • Remain like this for 2-3 seconds and return to starting position by keeping the weight on your feet.

How much should be done: Do this 10-20 times.

How it helps: It stretches the legs, spine, knees, and ankles and strengthens calves, glutes, thighs, and back.

Precautions: It is important to seek medical advice if you have a knee injury.


9. Reverse Plank Dips/ Pushups

Get leaner arms and body by following this workout regularly.

How to do it:

  • Lie back on the floor with face up, knees bent and arms by your sides.
  • Fold the elbows and bring your hands near the head, palms flat on the floor and pointing towards the feet.
  • Pushing the floor with your palms, lift up your body till your arms are straight.
  • Slowly lower yourself down.

How much should be done: Do these dips 10-20 times and increase gradually.

How it helps: It targets the shoulders, triceps, back, and abdominal muscles.

Precautions: If you have knee, wrist or back injuries, it is risky to attempt this workout.


10. Twists

Workout your abs and get rid of the extra belly fat with this exercise.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight with legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Bend your elbows and lift your arms up to your sides. You can hold a ball, dumbells or a kettle-ball in your hand.
  • Without moving your head, feet or hips, twist your upper body from side to side.
  • You should feel contractions in your abdominal muscles.

How much should be done: Do this for 20-30 times.

How it helps: It works on tour abdominals and helps reduce belly fat.

Precautions: People with shoulder, hip or back problems should consult with a doctor.


11. Crunches

The best exercise to work up the abdominal muscles and get flat abs.

How to do it:

  • Lie straight on the floor.
  • Bend both knees and keep feet firmly rooted to the floor
  • Fold your elbows and keep both palms on sides of your head to support it.
  • Face up, exhale and lift the shoulders and upper back off the floor as much as possible.
  • Stay in the position for 1-2 seconds, inhale and return to starting position.

How much should be done: Start by doing 10-20 crunches and increase gradually.

How it helps: It tones the abdominal muscles and reduces belly fat. Also, stretches the back and shoulders.

Precautions: Be cautious if you have knee or back problems.


12. Knee Lifts

They combine running with high knee lifts and improve your flexibility.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Extend both your arms by your sides.
  • Lift the right knee up towards your chest, as much as possible. Do not bend your back.
  • Place it back quickly on the ground and repeat with the left knee.
  • Alternate between knees as fast as you can.

How much should be done: Do this workout for one minute.

How it helps: It targets the abdominal and thigh muscles.

Precautions: If you have knee injuries, it may not be advisable to do this workout, before your consult a medical professional.


13. Pilates 100

This exercise will target your abdominals and sculpt your abs.

How to do it:

  • Lie on the floor face up, knees bent and arms by your sides.
  • Lift up your feet such that they are bent 90 degrees, your shins parallel to the floor.
  • Join both feet and lift up your legs bringing hips, knees, and ankles in a straight line.
  • Lift up your head and shoulders keeping the arms at sides.
  • Pump your arms up and down without bending the elbows.

How much should be done: Breathe in for five pumps and then breathe out for five pumps, till you reach 100 pulses, hence the name Pilates 100.

How it helps: It targets your core, glutes, leg, back, and abdominals. It strengthens the abs.

Precautions: Avoid in case of knee injuries or back pain.


14. Swan dive

A quick way to burn fats, this exercise will engage your chest, abdominals, triceps, shoulders, and back, all at once.

How to do it:

  • Lie on your stomach, face down and legs straight.
  • Stretch both your arms straight over your head.
  • Lift up your arms and legs about a foot from the floor, without bending knees and elbows.
  • Your stomach should still touch the ground.
  • Stay in this position for 1-2 seconds.
  • Draw your arms by your side in a circle, palms facing behind.
  • Stay for 1-2 seconds and again stretch your arms ahead.

How much should be done: Repeat 6-8 times.

How it helps: It stretches your arms, shoulders, chest and strengthens the back and abdominals.

Precautions: If you have shoulder, neck or back problems, consult a doctor.


15. Triceps Dips

This exercise can be done in 10-minutes at your home and also help you lose weight.

How to do it:

  • Sit straight on the floor with your back against the stairs/chair/bench.
  • Place your hands behind on the first step/chair/bench, shoulder-width apart.
  • Keeping shoulders down and arms straight, push palms on the step and your hips up.
  • Your abdominals should contract.
  • Bend elbows and lower the hips.
  • Again push yourself up in the same manner.

How much should be done: Repeat for 30 seconds.

How it helps: It stretches the triceps and arms and strengthens your shoulders and core.

Precautions: As your entire weight rests on your wrists, people with wrist injury or shoulder problems should be extra careful.


16. Sideways stair run

Moving up and down stairs will make you work harder against gravity and strengthen your muscles while burning the extra fat.

How to do it:

  • Start with the bottom-most stair, your right side close to the stairs.
  • Step the right foot on the first stair and then the left foot.
  • Step the right foot up one more stair as the left foot approaches.
  • Run up the stairs sideways.
  • Step down in a normal fashion.

How much should be done: About 30 seconds for each upstairs trip. Repeat by reversing the sides about ten times.

How it helps: It is a cardio workout that targets your glutes, legs, and core.

Precautions: Watch your feet and avoid tripping on the stairs.


17. Back Arm Rowing

Built up your muscle endurance and flexibility with this Pilates exercise.

How to do it:

  • Sit on the floor with knees bent, feet firm and flat on the floor.
  • Extend your arms straight ahead of you, palms facing up.
  • Keep the back straight and chest up.
  • Close hands into a fist, bend elbows and bring them close to the chest at eye-level, while simultaneously
  • lowering your body to 45 degrees.
  • Stay for 1-2 seconds and keep repeating the rowing motion.

How much should be done: Continue for 5 minutes.

How it helps: It stretches the hamstring and strengthens the abdominal and upper body muscles.

Precautions: People with back pain need to take advice from a doctor.


18. Rollover

Get leaner legs and a super taut tummy with this easy and quick workout session.

How to do it:

  • Lie straight on the floor, face up, arms by your sides and palms down.
  • Lift your legs from hips such that the thighs and shins are perpendicular to the floor.
  • Keeping the arms straight on the floor, raise the hips and lower the legs behind the head, without bending the knees. Point your feet behind and lower the legs as much as possible.

How much should be done: Stay like this for 1-2 seconds and return to start. Repeat for 5 minutes.

How it helps: It strengthens the core, glutes, hips, shoulders, and abdominals.

Precautions: In the case of the knee, back or neck problems, do not attempt this workout.


19. Single-Leg Deadlift

If you want to activate your entire core and tone up your glutes, this exercise is just the solution.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight on your left foot.
  • Bend the right knee and lift up the right foot, such that the right shin is parallel to the floor.
  • Lower your body down from your hips and raise the right leg, keeping arms straight down.
  • The head, hips, right knee, and foot should be in the same line.
  • You can also do this with dumbells in your hands.

How much should be done: Stay for few seconds and come back to starting position. Repeat 10-20 times.

How it helps: It strengthens the core and the glutes.

Precautions: If you have knee or back problems, do perform this exercise under medical supervision.


20. Donkey kickbacks

A single exercise solution for various muscles, these kickbacks target your triceps, biceps, hamstrings, back, core and butt, all at the same time.

How to do it:

  • Lie down on your knees and palms.
  • Lift up both your knees about 2 inches above the floor, raise the heels and keep the lower body weight on the toes.
  • Contract your abs by bringing belly close to the spine.
  • Lift the right foot and bring the right knee close to the nose.
  • Then extend it back and straighten the leg, like a kickback.

How much should be done: Do it eight times, and repeat reversing the leg.

How it helps: It targets your core, hips, biceps, triceps, back, and abdominals.

Precautions: People with wrists and knee injuries need to be cautious.


How to use these exercises for weight loss?

You can do either of the following to incorporate weight loss exercise in your busy routine:

Body workout:
If you want a complete body workout and lose weight, select five moves and do three sets of each for ten times per day.

The next day, select another five and follow the routine. To burn maximum calories, make your moves as fast as can. But if you are a beginner, begin slowly.

Target a specific area:
If you want to work on a particular body area or lose fat from a specific area, perform workouts that target those areas.


If you are having trouble performing any workout, do not exert yourself and try to go slow.

Pain in any body part requires medical intervention before starting these exercises.

Pregnant women and women who want to lose weight post-pregnancy and after a c-section surgery should consult a gynecologist to see what exercises can be safely performed.

These quick and easy workouts can be done in the comfort of your home without investing too much time or money.

Stay focused and determined towards achieving your weight loss goals and be regular in your approach. If you want visible results, you need to be consistent.

At first, it may seem difficult, but planning out workouts in advance and following the regime religiously will help you acquire your desired body weight and measurements.

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