Can White Tea Treat Acne?

Acne is one of the most common skin disease affecting millions of people across the globe

.The good news, however, is that over time, a lot of medications and methods have been developed to prevent if not completely cure these breakouts.

This includes various antibiotic, anti retinoid and herbal and home remedies.

This article will discuss the effectiveness of one such herbal remedy that is generally widely consumed throughout the world even without knowing its effectiveness in the healing of acne.

This herbal remedy is the use and consumption of white tea.

About White Tea

White tea is primarily grown and harvested in China and is a lightly oxidized tea obtained by withering and wilting the leaves before drying them.

It comes from the buds and leaves of Camellis Sinensis plant and is not heated like green tea.

This, however, means that white tea is less processed than green tea.

At times, white tea is often defined in terms of a subcategory of green tea since white tea remains mostly un-oxidized leaves and buds of the same tree.

There is no scientifically available definition of white tea.

Tea Association of the United States defines it as tea that only includes leaf tea and buds.

This, however, leads to the exclusion of a lot of other varieties of white tea available.

White tea as such is a generally diverse occurrence and all the varieties cannot be accommodated within one strict definition.

The demand for white tea has increased over the years largely because of its medicinal benefits.

A study has shown that it has an antibacterial and antifungal effect which often makes it effective against infections, pneumonia, fungus growth, and even dental plaque.

It is also considered helpful to the skin such that it boosts the immune system when exposed to the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun thereby protecting the skin.

How does white tea treat acne?

Being the least processed of all kinds of tea, white tea is able to retain a lot of its nutrients.

It is extremely rich in antioxidant which helps the skin’s immune system by preventing damage that might have been a cause of oxidative stress.

The antioxidants also work towards removing the toxins from our body the accumulation of which might otherwise cause severe breakouts.

Other than that, white is extremely rich in alpha hydroxyl acid and zinc both of which are effective in reducing acne induces inflammation.

It is also very active in reducing skin blemishes and effectively reduces acne scars.

Moreover, the make the skin soft and supple, keeping it moisturized.

It has been suggested that 3 to 6 cups of white tea daily and have a good impact on acne healing.

Other benefits of using white tea

The benefits associated with the use of white tea are numerous with regard to the skin and health in general. Some of them are enumerated below:

  • Its antioxidant property helps in the protection of skin from any kind of oxidative damage as well as from external exposure
  • Its ability to reduce oxidative stress by controlling free radical damage helps in delaying symptoms of aging on your skin like wrinkles and lines by promoting a healthy and radiant skin
  • It is known to have acted against cancer-causing cells. In general, it protects from risks of colon, stomach and prostate cancer. In a few cases, white tea is believed to have acted as beneficially as cancer medications but without any side effects.
  • White tea can improve artery function by causing the blood to thin down. This helps in lowering high blood pressure
  • In helping to maintain a healthy blood pressure level, it reduces the risks of cardiac arrest
  • White tea contains catechins which help in balancing the cholesterol level. It increases the good cholesterol while decreasing the bad cholesterol. Balanced cholesterol level prevents hardening of arteries and blockage in blood vessels
  • By balancing the cholesterol and blood pressure level, it reduces the risks of heart attack by almost 50%
  • It increases the density of the bones making them stronger and therefore helps in conditions of arthritis and osteoporosis
  • Its antibacterial and antiviral properties help in fighting a host of infections including cold, flu and may also ease the symptoms of HIV
  • White tea also contains fluoride which protects tooth decay, plague and even prevents bad breath thereby maintaining the health of your gums and teeth

Issues related to the use of white tea:

The cases of side effect by white tea use have been very rare and are indeed very few, mostly associated with its caffeine content.

It can vary according to the usage either orally or topically.

Oral ingestion:

  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort

Topical application:

  • Skin irritation
  • Redness

Kinds and varieties of white tea:

There is a white range of variety when it comes to choosing white tea.

Some of the most popular and widely used kinds of white tea are discussed below:

Darjeeling white tea: It is produced in the Darjeeling region of India only in small batches of single-estate or single-harvest.

As such the production is very limited. This also explains the expensiveness of this tea.

White tea produced in Darjeeling is confirmed as Darjeeling white tea only when it is produced in a style peculiar to Darjeeling.

Silver needle tea: This is also known as yinzhen and is produced in the Fujian province of China.

It is made of only the leaf buds at the tip of the plant’s branches and as such has no fully formed leaves.

This white tea is also exceptionally expensive. It is usually light in color with a subtle aroma and has a thin texture. It may have exceptionally high caffeine content

Moonlight white tea: Moonlight tea originated in the Yunnan province of China and is a semi-oxidized tea which makes its classification very difficult.

It is sometimes referred to like white tea while at other times called black tea. It is sold either in forms of compressed cakes or as loses leaves.

It is made from the long-leaved Assamica cultivar in which the leaves are covered with silver hair. It tends to have a greater level of oxidation.

The oxidation, color, and flavor of this tea are sensitive to moisture levels.

Shou mei: It is a type of Chinese white tea made of mature, long leaves rather than the leaf buds at the tip of the plant. Its dark color signifies a higher level of oxidation.

The leaves are usually brown, green or silver in color. Although considered a lower grade of white tea, shou mei is comparatively inexpensive.

White matcha: This tea was developed recently in Kenya.

It is similar in some respects to powdered Japanese green tea and is often recommended for its high health benefits though scientific proof to establish the same is still lacking.

White peony: This tea originated in the Fujian province in the 20th century. It is one of the most popular kinds of white tea having an intermediate level of oxidation.

It has a floral aroma and is available in different ranges and grades of prices

Customer review: What users think about white tea for acne

We did an online analysis on consumer review based on the experience people have had while using this treatment and what the liked and disliked about it. Here is a summary of that:

What they liked about it:

  • Relieves stress: The consumption of white tea led to a calming and relaxing effect on many stressed-out consumers. This calming effect might be a result of the presence of caffeine in it.
  • Overall health: The good news for a lot of consumers was that even if it did not work on their acne as they had expected it to, it did boost their overall immunity and health. White tea tends to strengthen the immunity system.

What they did not like about it:

In our analysis of the consumer review, not much disappointment or negative impact were expressed by the consumers.

They were all sufficiently satisfied with the product’s effect.


White tea is a natural solution to your acne troubles, with very less and rare side effects.

Using it will not even seem like a treatment to you but just inclusion of steaming cups of tea in your daily diet.

Apart from your skin, it will end up benefiting your entire body building up your immune system.

Its calming effect will relieve you of the stress that is so often a cause of an increase in frequency and intensity of acne breakouts.

If you are fed up of chemical-based medications and disappointments, you must give white tea one try.

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