Best Essential Oils for Nausea & How to Use

Quick Answer: Best Essential Oils for Nausea

  1. Basil Essential Oil
  2. Cardamom Essential Oil
  3. Lavender Essential Oil
  4. Coriander (seed) Essential Oil
  5. Fennel Essential Oil
  6. Ginger Essential Oil
  7. Peppermint Essential Oil
  8. Spearmint Essential Oil
  9. Rose Essential Oil
  10. Rose Wood Essential Oil
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Nausea is the feeling of uneasiness in the stomach, felt before the episode of vomiting. [1] [2]

It is a painless, unpleasant and subjective feeling leading to vomiting and forceful expulsion of gastric contents. [3]

Vomiting is voluntarily or involuntarily emptying of the stomach contents due to infection, food poisoning, overeating, excessive acidity or physiological conditions such as pregnancy (morning sickness).

Other factors leading to this condition are medications, motion or sea sickness, intense pain, emotional trauma [4], excessive intake of alcohol, etc. [5]

Nausea and vomiting could be indicators of some underlying problem such as intestinal blockage, appendicitis, meningitis [6].

Usually, treatments are from grandmother's awesome prescriptions such as fennel, carom seeds, lemon juice [7] to enhance digestion.

The effectiveness of these herbs can be increased by using a more potent and concentrated form, which is an essential oil.

What are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are aromatic, volatile, low molecular weight extracts from flowers, leaves, roots, stems, bark, resin, and rind of fruits. Sometimes the complete plant is also used.

They are naturally extracted without any chemical modification or intermediate synthesis if otherwise, stated.

They are volatile compounds producing strong scents and are secondary metabolites by aromatic plants. [8]

Their chemical constituents are saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ethers, ketones, phenols, and terpenes. [9]

The oils can be administered orally as gel capsule, or mixed with honey, topically as a massage oil, night and day creams, and lotions and in aromatherapy as diffusers, baths, and inhalations.

These oils provide a remedy for disease conditions; they are rejuvenating, soothing on the body and have innumerable benefits.

Essential Oils in Treating Nausea

Essential oils can be used for easing nausea because they aid in digestion and helps in the release of digestive enzymes.

A study done on humans, where they used inhalation technique showed lemon essential oil to be useful in the treatment of nausea. [10] [11]

Eupeptic in nature: Pepsin is a very potent digestive enzyme produced in the stomach and breaks down proteins into peptides. [12]

Essential oils aids in releasing pepsin. Basil, Black pepper, and spearmint oils have eupeptic action.

They are Antiemetic, which means they relieve from vomiting. Patchouli and Clove essential oils are antiemetic.

Another study showed the effectiveness of using lemon oil in inhalation aromatherapy technique to relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. [13]

A study on breast cancer patients showed the use of massage and inhalation aromatherapy reduces the incidence of retching and nausea. [14]

A study reported using inhalation therapy of Lemon essential oil is beneficial in combating nausea among pregnant women. [15] [16]

Best Essential Oils for Nausea

Essential oils are naturally equipped with properties to enhance digestion. They are potent in enhancing the working of the body enzymes.

In this section, we have mentioned scientifically proven best essential oils and their blends to ease you whenever you have a feeling to throw up. overall rating

Basil Essential Oil

Basil essential oil is extracted from leaves of an annual tender herb.

The method employed to these dark green ovate leaves is steam distillation. It has a fresh, herbal, and penetrating aroma.

The basil essential oil has a pale yellow tinge. It has eupeptic properties, thus beneficial in easing nausea. [17] [18] [19] [20]

The digestive action of basil oil makes it effective oil for stomach massage which should be done clock-wise direction.

The oil must be cautiously used during pregnancy and it might irritate the skin in some person.

Best way to use: Steam inhalation, by using 2-3 drops in a bowl of hot water and covering the head with a towel to take steam.

The oil can also be used in bath blends and topical massage therapy. overall rating

Cardamom Essential Oil

Cardamom essential oil is steam distilled from seeds of a perennial reed-like shrub. It has a warm, sweet and spicy undertone and has a pale yellow tinge.

The oil is useful in stimulating appetite, thereby, enhancing digestion and deals effectively with nausea. [21]

It has the ability to encourage the flow of saliva.

Best way to use: it can be used for oral mixtures or used in massage oils. overall rating

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender is an aromatic green woody shrub. The oil is extracted from flowering tops. It has a sweet, floral aroma. The oil is rich in therapeutic properties.

The medicinal properties of the oil have known benefits in treating vomiting. [22]

This oil has been used for relieving nausea and vomiting. [23] [24] [25]

People with low blood pressure, sensitivity, or pregnant women must use oil cautiously.

Best way to use: Used for topical application and baths blends.

Inhalation: 4 drops each of lavender and bergamot oil in water. [26] overall rating

Coriander (seed) Essential Oil

The oil is extracted by crushing ripe coriander seeds of a strongly aromatic herb.

It has bright green delicate leaves that are used for garnishing in many curries. The leaves are extensively used for flavoring purposes in food

The oil is mainly used for curing digestive complaints, in fact in Chinese medicines it is prominently used to treat nausea.

The oil is beneficial for improving the function of the alimentary canal

Best way to use: Make a blend using, 1 drop each of Coriander, Cardamom, Lavender oil, and Fennel oil.

Mix this thoroughly in 15g honey, now dissolve 2.5g (1/2 teaspoon) of this mixture in a ½ cup of warm water, and also add some lemon juice to it. Sip this whenever needed

Dosage: Maximum 4 times per day for 6 days, repeat when necessary after a gap of 10 days. [27] overall rating

Fennel Essential Oil

Fennel essential oil is extracted from crushed seeds of fennel.

The plant has leathery leaves and yellow flowers. It has a sweet, earthy and peppery aroma.

The oil is stomachic thus imparting appetite and improving digestion properties of the stomach. It is a tonic for the digestive system.

In a human trial, of a 2012 study, it was reported that using a blend of Aniseed oil, Fennel oil, Roman Chamomile oil, and peppermint oil alleviated postoperative nausea in people. [28]

A study reported using a blend of Fennel, Roman Chamomile, and Peppermint in massage or abdominal compress, diffuser reduced nausea symptoms in patients of palliative care facility. [29]

The oil is contraindicated to be used by cancer patients or pregnant women. A person with seizures must use it cautiously.

Best way to use: Fennel oil can be taken orally, in massage blends or in the bath. overall rating

Ginger Essential Oil

Ginger essential oil is extracted from dried ground root or rhizome root. The oil is pungent, fresh, and spicy-sweet.

The oil is Stomachic, Digestive stimulant, and a beneficial tonic for the digestive tract. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices. [30] [31]

A study trial reported 80% of patients taking inhalation of 5% ginger oil before surgery showed no symptoms of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). [32]

Another study used an undiluted mixture of ginger, cardamom, and tarragon essential oil on the neck of patients after surgery, results showed a significant block of nausea and vomiting within 30 minutes of application. [33]

A study showed inhalation vapor of this oil not only reduced the severity and incidence of nausea and vomiting but also decreased antiemetic requirements in patients. [34] [35]

The oil is beneficial during travel sickness and vomiting. [36]

Best way to use: Inhalation: Add 1 drop of ginger essential oil in a bowl with boiling water (1-pint volume, approximately 500 ml). Now cover your head with a towel and inhale, but keep your eyes closed.  [37]

Blend: 60 drops peppermint, Ginger 20 drops, Lemon 20 drops, keep for 8 hours, use only 1-3 drops of this blend and used for inhalation. overall rating

Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint Essential oil is extracted from a flowering herb.

The aroma is mint-like, penetrating and full of freshness.  This oil is extracted from leaves and has a pale yellow colour.

The oil is stomachic and performs antispasmodic reaction which makes it more valuable in conditions such as colic, diarrhea, sea or travel sickness, indigestion [38], and vomiting.  [39]

A study used 4 drops of pure mint oil in a bowl of water (diffusion aromatherapy) during the entire night, and the severity and intensity of nausea decreased for intervention group while increased for the control group.[40]

A study showed inhalation vapor of this oil not only reduced the severity and incidence of nausea and vomiting but also decreased antiemetic requirements. [41]

The oil is beneficial during travel sickness and vomiting. [42] [43] [44]

The oil must not be used on lactating mothers or infants and preschoolers.

Best way to use:

  • Massage 3-4 drops of diluted peppermint oil on abdomen and stomach in a clockwise direction to relieve nausea.
  • During Labor, women can inhale peppermint to calm nausea.
  • Another way is to put 1 drop of peppermint oil in water, rub 1 -2 drops behind your ear to get relief. overall rating

Spearmint Essential Oil

Spearmint essential oil is steam distilled from flowering tops and wrinkled, spiked leaves of the plant. It belongs to the mint family and has a refreshing, rejuvenating flavor.

It is rich in eupeptic action and is an efficacious tonic for the digestive system. The oil increases bile production in the stomach and aids in digestion.

It can mitigate some effects of travel and seasickness or nausea.

The oil is contraindicated for use on babies and pregnant women.

Best way to use: It is used in lotions, creams and in baths, diffusers. overall rating

Rose Essential Oil

Rose essential oil is extracted from rose petals having a deep, rich, sweet scent.

The oil has numerous benefits including regulation of appetite and stomachic and has a reddish-orange tinge.

It plays an important role in the digestive system and strengthens the stomach, promotes the flow of bile and the elimination of feces and useful for nausea.

People with skin sensitivity, pregnant women, and children below age two must use the oil cautiously.

Best way to use: Used topically in lotions, creams and bath oils, diffusers overall rating

Rose Wood Essential Oil

Rosewood essential oil is steam distilled from wood chips of a medium-sized tropical tree having reddish bark and heartwood.  It has a sweet, floral aroma and a pale yellow tinge.

The oil has cephalic properties having the potential to relieve headache accompanied by nausea.

Best way to use: Administered in diffusers.

Precautions While Using Essential Oils

Since these oils are very concentrated, so always dilute them before using.

Always perform a patch test on the inside of the arm before using the oil to test for photosensitivity and allergic reactions.

Avoid their contact from genitals, mucous membranes, inner ear, eyes. In case of contact irrigate eyes with milk or vegetable oil quickly or massage with it.

The oils must be stored in tightly capped bottles in dark and away from heat since they are flammable.

People with allergies, sensitive skin should cautiously use them; pregnant women and children below 5 years should avoid their use.

Avoid sun exposure for at least 6 hours after use.


Nausea can happen to anyone and at any point in time. The uneasiness, giddy feeling is disturbing and hampers the daily activities of a person.

Here, Essential oils come to rescue!

Essential oils are very useful in solving digestive problems. They help in secretion of pepsin in stomach and bile juice to aid digestion.

Also, they are tonic for the digestive tract and helps in complete elimination.

So next time you feel a roller coaster in your tummy and want to puke, you know the essential oil blends to use that will appease your stomach and make it feel good again.

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