Does Training Faster Burn More Fat? Know The Truth

Working out is a vital part of life.

It is very important to maintain good health in order to live a long, healthy and happy life.

Nowadays, people belonging to various age groups engage themselves in some form of physical activity or the other.

Each type of exercise has a particular way in which it is to be performed.

When this way is not followed, it can have some serious repercussions on the body and health.

Hence it is advised that people consult a professional before trying out a new type of physical activity.

What is Strength Training?

Strength training is a type of exercise which involves working on the muscles. The main purpose of this workout is to build up and strengthen the muscles.

It has various benefits to health –

  • It increases the muscle mass or the lean mass.
  • It increases the metabolic rate.
  • It increases bone mineral density.

The volume of an exercise is the total number of repetitions which take place during the workout session.

The intensity of a workout means the amount of work that has to be done or the amount of power that is spent in doing the work. In simple terms, it is the difficulty of the training.

Frequency of an exercise means the number of times the workout is being done in a definite amount of time.

For example, in order to lose weight, exercise should be done for around six times per week.

Does Research Agree That Training Faster Leads To Better Fat and Weight loss?

Training can either include a high volume and low-intensity workout (HVLI) or a low volume and high-intensity workout (LVHI).

Which one is better?

Studies suggest that low volume and high-intensity training with intervals in between is the best way to work out.

This is because intense workouts make the metabolism work fast and burn calories and stored fat at a higher pace.

Also to avoid strain on the muscles, it is accompanied by a low volume, which simply means that the number of times the exercise is repeated is low.

But the speed of the workout session is high.

However, a workout with a high volume increases the speed at which the muscles build up. This increases the lean mass of the body and decreases the mass due to fat.

How Does Training Fast Help In Weight Loss?

High-frequency workout session has been found to be more beneficial to health. The people practicing this type of workout had a better quality of life in terms of well-being.

In order to increase the amount of uptake of oxygen by the body, high-intensity training is required. It not only increases the maximum uptake amount but helps to maintain it as well.

Training faster involves performing exercise at a fast rate. This means that if walking is considered as a normal exercise, running will be the faster version of it.

A study has found that running decreases the BMI or the Body Mass Index, which is the measure of the mass of the body, whereas walking shows almost no reduction in weight.

This implies that exercising faster leads to the burning of fats quickly.

Studies have reported that balancing the factors which include frequency, intensity and volume leads to an increase in the size of the skeletal or voluntary muscles.

This can only be possible if different kinds of strength training are carried out.

raining Faster Burn More Fat

What is High-Intensity Intermittent Training?

HIIT or High-intensity intermittent training is a form of workout which involves training with high intensity for a short duration of time which is followed by a break in order to provide the muscles with some rest.

During this period of rest, the muscles take in oxygen from the blood and complete the biochemical reactions to turn ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) into ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) and release the required amount of energy.

However, HIIT may not always be anaerobic. In some cases, it can be an aerobic form of exercise as well.

This is the best way to exercise according to many studies because it is highly effective in burning fat and extra calories in a short period of time.

It has several other health benefits which include increased sensitivity to insulin and improving the levels of blood sugar.

Can Training Faster Have Adverse Effects On The Body?

When the speed of resistance training is increased, the muscles are adversely affected. These muscles include cardiac or the heart muscle along with the skeletal muscles.

There is a shortage of oxygen in the body due to an increase in the intake by the muscles. The muscles require energy which they get by burning the calories.

The cardiac muscle is not able to utilize a sufficient amount of oxygen which can lead to various health related disorders, which may include myocardial ischemia, which is a condition in which the body does not receive enough amount of oxygen because of a reduced flow of blood to the body parts.

They may also include heart attack and sudden death.

Tendons experience a high-level stress and strain when training is performed faster.

This causes pain and if done for a long period of time, it can even damage the tendons and other affected parts of the body.


It is essential to incorporate a balanced type of workouts being performed.

This is why High-intensity intermittent training should be followed.

Exercise should be done safely to prevent injuries involving the tendons, ligaments, bone joints and the muscles.

Physical activity can be performed at a faster rate in order to burn fat and lose weight.

But it is important to include various types of training and workouts so that some particular muscles do not get strained or left out.

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