10 Awesome & Easy Ways To Eat Chia Seeds

“You can’t judge the book by the cover” is the perfect lines that reflect the nature of chia seeds.

These are not just small seeds but have a bunch of nutrition power in it.

Due to its nutritional qualities chia seeds become popular day by day in whole world.

That is why today they are recognized as “superfood”. ‘Chia’ word is derived from Mayan language which means ‘strength’.

Chia seeds are the small, multicolored (generally black, white, grey), having varied texture seeds obtained from a mint family plant chia (Salvia hispanica). This chia plants are mainly grown in Mexico.

These are popular from the time of Aztec and Mayan civilization. These people use chia seeds as fuel.

In that time, it is popularly known as “Runner’s seeds” because of its power pack of energy.

The nutritional profile of chia seeds contains a high amount of omega 3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Also, chia seeds are gluten-free. It also exhibits antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory property.

Thus, due to these properties, chia seeds are becoming popular day by day.

10 Awesome & Easy Ways To Eat Chia Seeds

There are many different ways to take chia seeds. But in this article, only 10 ways of eating chia seeds are mentioned.

Due to its bundle of benefits, people want to explore the idea of eating chia seeds.

We can make chia seeds a part of our diet through the following 10 ways:

1. Add chia seeds to pudding

The simplest way to make chia seeds a part of your food is by making pudding. By making pudding, we can add chia seeds in our breakfast.

As chia seeds are the nutritious seeds so it can make your day if you take it in your breakfast as pudding.

Making pudding from chia seeds is simple because of its expanding property.

Chia seeds can absorb a large amount of water or milk when chia seeds are dipped in them.

This is the simplest way to take chia.

For this, we can mix chia seeds with milk. To add flavor you can also add honey, species or a bit of any sweetener.

To make a good pudding, it is beneficial to mix chia seeds and milk in ratio 3:1.

2. Include chia seeds in toppings

You can add more taste to your food by using chia seeds in the topping.

For this, you can mix chia seeds with yogurt. You can add seeds during eating or before eating. Both will give a different taste.

Except this, you can also sprinkle chia seeds on your toast or desserts.

Also, sprinkle chia seeds on your salad. This will also prevent constipation.

This will add crunchiness and texture to your food. Also, it makes your food more nutritious and healthy. As more people take concern about their body weight.

By adding chia seeds in the topping of food, you are adding a rich source of fiber that can help in maintaining body weight.

It also provides a sufficient amount of calories.

3. Add chia seeds in fruit juice

You can increase the consistency of fruit juice by adding chia seeds to them. This will also balance all nutrients of juice.

What does this mean?
Thus chia seeds not only give consistency and texture but also help in making nutritious juice.

4. Toss chia seeds on omelets

Another way to take chia seeds in breakfast is by adding chia seeds to omelets. For this add chia seeds to beaten eggs.

This is also the best way to take chia seeds.

This will not only give texture but also make your delicious lunch sandwiches. Also, chia bread is available in markets.

5. Bake bread with chia seeds

You can also take chia seeds by baking in bread.

For this, you can also add butter. You can also add sunflower, poppy and sesame seeds to chia seeds.

Awesome & Easy Ways To Eat Chia Seeds

6. Add chia to fish or meat

As chia seeds provide crunchiness and texture to your food.

So it can also be added to your meat. Chia seeds provide crunchiness to chicken, fish, and vegetables.

So to boost the nutritional qualities of meat you can add chia to it.

7. Add chia tortillas and chapattis

Another way to use chia seeds is to add it in your tortillas or chapattis. For this, you can mix wheat flour, flax meal, and chia seeds.

You can make dough in water as well as in coconut oil.

This will result in more versatile and nutritious tortillas and chapattis. This dish has the ability to protect you from metabolic symptoms.

8. Brew chia tea

You can also use chia in making herbal tea.

This tea is very beneficial as it contains antioxidants, proteins, fibers, essential fatty acids, and vitamins.

1 tablespoon of chia seeds is enough for 16ounce cup of herbal tea.

9. Make chia-based jams

chiaBy adding chia to jam, a different texture is provided to it.

Even you can make your own jam with chia seeds.

For this, you can add chia seeds, maple syrup or honey and cup of blueberries.

Also, you can make jam of peaches or plums.

Chia seeds give gelatinous nature to jam.

10. Use chia as a thickening agent

Chia seeds can act as thickening agent due to its water absorbing property. Thus you can add chia seeds to your soup or stew to give them proper thickness.

Thus this is beneficial to the people that are suffering from gluten intolerance disease (disease in which patient can’t ingest gluten).

These people can’t take wheat flour and corn starch.

So chia seeds are beneficial to use as these are free from gluten.

How much chia seeds to consume daily?

For adults daily intake of chia seeds is 18-20 g/day and postmenopausal women it is 25g/day.

For pregnant and lactating women limit to 2 teaspoons of chia seeds.


An appropriate amount of everything is good, the excess will always harm.

Excess of chia can also lead to gastrointestinal problems, allergy or other health problems due to the presence of an excess of fibers, proteins, and omega 3 fatty acids.

It is recommended to drink more water with chia seeds.


Chia seeds are the bunch of nutrients.

There are many ways to eat chia seeds.

Choose the way that is more beneficial to your body and suits your taste buds as well.


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