When it comes to fat loss, it is not only about the flat abs.
Toning the entire body is a must and with that should be a healthy diet that keeps the metabolic health in shape.
People focus on toning abs, hips, glutes, thighs etc. but generally forget the calves.
Losing fat around the calves area is not only aesthetically appealing but also improves lower body strength and athletic performance.
10 Exercises To Slim The Calves Fat For Women
Here are 10 simple exercises to lose fat around the calves exclusively for women.
Exercise 1: Jumping rope
This exercise is very beneficial not only for calves but also for whole body. This also helps to work out for forearm, thighs and abdomen. Length of rope matters.
How to do?
- Length of rope should be according to your height. Hold the handle of rope your hands and stand on the center of rope. Now measure the length of rope with reference to your height. Length of rope should be slightly lower than your armpits.
- Now stand straight by holding handle of rope in your hands.
- Rotate your hand at 360 degree to rotate the rope. Your elbow joint should be 45 degree.
- Jump only to pass the rope. Jump should be not higher than 1 inch above the ground.
- Rotate and jump again and again.
Frequency: initially do this for 30-50 times. After practicing increase number to 100-200 times.
Muscle worked: quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, abdominals and forearms
Exercise 2: Ankle circle
This is also a very beneficial exercise to shape your calves. It does not require any equipment.
How to do?
- Stand straight on your feet and for balancing your body weight take a squat rack near to you. (You can do this by sitting on a chair too.)
- Lift your one leg off the ground and move it in circular motion such that you are drawing a circle.
- Then do the same with opposite leg.
Frequency: 15 sec to 2 min
Muscle worked: calves
Exercise 3: balance board
This exercise is also very easy to do. It mainly focuses on the lower leg muscle and thigh muscles.
It requires the technique of balancing. You need a balancing board for this.
How to do?
Stand on the balancing board and try to balance your weight on it. If it’s the first time then start with less challenging board.
Frequency: 10-15min.
Muscles worked: calves
Exercise 4: Lunges (walking lunges)
In lunges, one leg is positioned forward with a bent knee and flat foot and other leg is behind. The main benefit of lunges is in warming up.
You can use either dumbbells or kettlebells in hands and using barbell behind the neck or shoulders. Walking leg lunges are mainly used to reduce the fat of butts.
How to do? (By using a dumbbell)
- Firstly, hold dumbbells in both hands by the sides.
- Now attain the lunge posture by taking a step by your left leg and slowly lowering your hip so that angles between the knees of both legs become 90 degrees.
- Then stand up by taking a forward step
- Now step up with your right leg and repeat lunge.
- In this way, you can repeat the process or walk along with the room by doing lunges.
Frequency: not do more than 10 repeats with each leg.
Muscles used: quads, hamstrings, and quadriceps.
Exercise 5: Hip Raise
This exercise works out the thigh and calves muscles at a higher rate. This helps to burn out internal thigh muscles. This exercise is also used in yoga and by fitness trainers.
How to do?
- Lie on the floor by facing up and your arms should be wider apart (45 degrees away from the body).
- Then bend your knees at 90 degrees and your feet should be flat on the floor.
- Then by pressing the feet down, raise your hip in the upward direction. Hold on this position for some time (5 seconds).
- Repeat the above steps.
Frequency: 2 sets of 10 repeats with 30-second pause.
Muscles worked: glutes
Exercise 6: Standing calf raise
This is a great exercise for the calf. It works on both muscles of the calf (the gastrocnemius and the soleus). It can be done with a dumbbell or without this too.
How to do?
- Stand on the edge of the stair. Balance with the help of banister.
- Now lift up your heel as much as possible. Hold on the third position for 3 seconds.
- Then regain the original position.
- Repeat the steps
Frequency: you can do this for 12-20 repeats.
Muscles worked: calves
Exercise 7: Seated calf raise
This also targets the calves. It is easy to do. It does not need any equipment.
How to do?
- Sit on a chair with a straight back and flat feet on the floor. Put weight on your thighs. You can use dumbbells for this purpose.
- Now lift your heel up and hold on this position for 3 seconds. And regain the original position.
- Repeat the same steps.
Frequency: 4 sets having 8 repeats
Muscles worked: calves
Exercise 8: Lunges like a ballerina
In lunges, one leg is positioned forward with a bent knee and flat foot and other leg is behind.
You can use either dumbbells or kettlebells in hands and using barbell behind the neck or shoulders. ‘Lunges like ballerina’ is the simplest way of lunges that is mainly done for calves.
How to do?
- Stand straightly on feet with your arms aside.
- Now turn your leg over one another. Lift your heel up and hold on this position for 10 seconds.
- Then lower your heel. Repeat the same process.
Frequency: 25-20 repeats
Muscles: calves, quadriceps
Exercise 9: Pistol squat
This exercise is beneficial for whole legs. It not only targets calves but also targets thighs. It does not require any equipment. Body weight acts as resistance.
How to do?
- Stand straight on the floor and look forward. Extend your arms forward.
- Now lift your right leg in the air and lower your body as much as you can. Hold on this position for 5 seconds.
- Stand up and repeat the steps.
Frequency: 7-10 repeats
Muscle worked: glutes, hamstrings, and calves.
Exercise 10: step up
This exercise is beneficial for lower legs and glutes. It is a dynamic exercise consisting blend of strength, power, and balance.
This exercise targets all the main muscles of the body. You can do this with the dumbbells and barbell.
How to do? (With dumbbells)
- Stand straight on the floor by holding a dumbbell in your hands.
- Now step up onto the bench with your left leg, your arms should be straight.
- Now also step up your right leg onto a bench.
- Step down in a similar manner.
- Repeat the same process.
Frequency: you can follow 10-12 repeats on each leg and do 3 sets.
Muscle targets: it targets all the main muscles of legs, particularly glutes and hamstrings.
Practicing the above-mentioned exercises on a regular basis will deliver results and help in fat loss from the calves.
However, exercise caution and do not overdo any of the workouts.
Combined with a healthy diet, you can speed up fat loss. Do browse our website for more reliable weight loss techniques and aids.