How Bob Greene's Diet Supports Weight Loss

Today, people are showing more concern about physical fitness and good health.

For this, they are searching for proper and well-maintained diet plans.

Oprah and Bob Greene are the best fitness gurus. The diet originated by Bob Greene for the overall maintenance of the body is popularly known as Bob Greene’s “best life” diet.

Bob Greene’s diet generally consists of 3 phases :

To properly explain Bob Greene’s diet, “the dieting program that includes every aspect for having well-balanced nutrients that can revive your metabolism and also explains the emotional eating and protecting the lifestyle of emotional and healthy well-being is the Bob Greene’s diet.”

Where did Bob Greene Originate?

Bob Greene is the originator of Bob Greene’s diet.

He has his qualification in physical education and exercises physiology. He gets motivation to being a fitness trainer from his grandmother.

She was overweight and because of which she faced a number of health conditions.

The need to address her issues inspired him to become a fitness trainer.

He completed his graduation in physical education at the University of Delaware and then went at the University of Arizona for his master’s degree in exercise physiology.

He also served the director post in a medical management company. After this, he worked as manager of fitness staff at a health spa in Telluride, Colorado.

Bob also contributes to Oprah’s magazine.

His first book was ‘Ten Steps To A Better Body- and a Better Life’. Then he started to appear in television shows and get recognition as a fitness trainer nationwide.

What is the key Principle of the Bob Greene diet?

“Healthy eating is a way of life, not a diet”-------by Greene

The principle behind this exercise is to regulate the dietary pattern of a person with its all important aspects. Main emphasis of this diet is on all components of health, exercise and psychological factors.

Diet pattern is generally divided into 3 phases. Each phase have its own important to maintain a good life style. These phases are :

Phase 1: truth, commitment and self-control

This is the phase which includes the self-commitment, remain truthful and controlling desired.

A contract is an offer to the participants which makes them committed for a healthier life style.

A commitment with themselves make them strong to stand by their decision of getting a healthier life style. It takes 1-3 weeks. After completion of this phase, the next phase starts.

Phase 2: revving up your metabolism:

This phase corresponds to the physical fitness.

Generally during dieting people cut off their calories without including the workouts in their life styles. This will lead to weakness in their body.

Thus phase 2 includes the programs that increase the rate of metabolism.

Also, workouts that show long term effect are performed in this phase. Exercise is done in this phase for 50-75 minutes per week.

Phase 3: emotional eating

This phase explores the emotional eating behavior of participants. Emotional eating involves the eating to change the mood for example during stress, boredom or loneliness.

One day is selected for the participant and to study his pattern of emotional eating. Every aspect of emotional eating is included to this study.

After exploring the reason of emotional eating, proper dieting pattern is set and habits are changed to avoid emotional eating.

Exercise is increased to 100 to 125 minutes/week.

Phase 4: securing a healthier life style for future

This phase focuses on the securing the healthier life style for future.

This assures the healthier life style for emotional well- being. This changes are not temporary but securing for the future.

What does Bob Greene Diet Aim to Achieve?

Main aim of this diet is to transform the bad eating habits to the healthier eating habits.

This diet helps people to control on weight, accelerate the metabolism and to gain immunity to fight with different diseases. Main aims of this diet are:

  • Balance body weight
  • Change food habits according to your allergy profile
  • Change food habits according to your disease profile (if you have any disease)
  • Transforms irregular eating pattern to healthier eating pattern
  • Study proper profile of emotional eating
  • Includes exercises in life style

Bob Greene's Diet Supports Weight Loss

What are the benefits of Bob Greene diet?

People widely accept the concept of Bob’s diet only because of its benefits.

It promises to give a change in the participant’s life.

Bob’s plan contains all aspects related to health. It also teaches people the lesson of emotional honesty and helps them to break the traditional eating style.

People also generally added it to their wish-list to lose their weight.

Different benefits of this diet are:

1. Diabetes

This diet is also beneficial for the diabetic patients. According to data, diabetes is increased in America by 90% from mid-1990s.

Thus this disease is spreading at an alarming rate.

But you can control over this disease by following the Bob’s diet.

This diet provides you the healthier food according to your disease level and also involves the exercises that give you relief from diabetes.

What does this mean? This implies that Bob’s diet is very beneficial for the fighting with diabetes. Also this prevents the pre-diabetes conditions. It contains blend of diet and exercises.

2. Weight loss

Bob’s diet contains all the factors that tend to burn your fat or slow down the deposition of fat.

It also has anti-ageing factors in his diet that take care of your skin too.

Thus this diet is important for you if you want to lose your weight. It includes- diet pattern, sleeping pattern and exercises for weight loss.

What does it mean? It implies that Bob’s diet is the source to burn fats. It not only have diet pattern with also contain proper exercises and sleeping pattern.

3. Other health related issues

This diet also helps to fight with different health issues.

Generally due to have balanced nutritional properties this diet prevent chronic diseases like heart attack etc. and also from different kind of allergies.

What does this mean? This implies that Bob’s diet is effective to fight with heart attacks and other health related issues like allergies.


As Bob’s procedure contains a number of experiments like emotional eating testing, hunger testing etc. so, one should be recommended their doctors before starting Bob’s diet.

Patients suffering from diabetes and other diseases should keep this thing in mind.

How feasible is Bob Greene’s diet?

Yes, this diet is becoming popular day by day and accepted by a wide range of people. This is only due to its principle and benefits.

Generally, this diet not only provides the pattern of eating style but also tells how to secure your good health for future.

This diet also contains much general information but yet to apply this information is practical senarios more important.

Bob’s diet gives practices to apply this information and other healthier life style pattern in your daily routine. Thus diet is accepted by the people.

But there are also drawbacks of this diet and some people and specialist also reject this diet. Reasons of rejection are follows:

Some scientific study also shows that diet or nutrients change in bob’s diet can results in digestive imbalance. It can also lead to food craving and obesity.

Other backside of this diet is self-introspected.

By doing this you become emotionally defunct and develop weak-will power because you are continually avoiding your will and also bearing hunger pain for some persons is tough task.

Also high soy content of Bob’s diet may pose certain side effects.


If you are ready for a serious commitment to lifelong change in your health, then Bob Greene’s diet is best for you.

To sign up this program you have to pay $4.50 a week.

Thus Bob Greene’s diet is a well-balanced approach to have a healthier life.

Bob Greene’s diet focuses on inhibiting emotional eating and this approach may not be sustainable for all. It is best to consult a dietician before starting with any diet.



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