20 Awesome Exercises to Lose Belly Fat for Men

A lot of people globally are struggling with weight-related problems.

One of the most common problems is the accumulation of excess belly fat.

A lot of people globally are struggling with weight related problems.

One of the most common problems is the accumulation of excess belly fat.  Excess belly fat is risky as it may invite a number of other health problems such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases.

Your weight increases when the amount of calories intake is larger than the amount of calories you burn.

Thus it is necessary to burn enough calories so as to achieve a healthy weight. Age and genetics also play a role in overweight and fat accumulation.

 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat for Men

20 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

To remain fit and healthy and to avoid excess belly fat it is necessary to take a healthy diet and perform adequate exercises.

1. Kettle Bell Swing

Hold a kettlebell with both of your hand in front f you at least arm’s distance and then bend at your hips.

Then move back a little and hike the kettlebell between your legs.

Then try to squeeze your gluteal muscles, thrust your hips forward with force, and swing the weight to shoulder height.

Now reverse the motion and swing the kettlebell between your legs again.

Benefits: Kettlebell swing actively engages your core and thus helps in reducing belly fat. It strengthens your abs, shoulders, hamstrings, and glutes.

Precautions: Do not perform this exercise if you have any major injury in the involved muscles.

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2. Squat Thrust

Take a standing position with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width distance apart. Squat down and take your body lower until your hands can touch the ground.

Take your legs backward in a pushup position and then immediately stand up.

Benefits: Squat thrust helps in burning the belly fat since it works the abs. It is a good exercise to build strength in your body especially your abs glutes and hamstrings.

Precautions: Do not perform this exercise if you have a major injury in any of the muscle involved.

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3. Vertical Leg Crunch

A vertical leg crunch is somewhat similar to regular crunch.

Lie down on the ground with your hands behind your head and lift your feet perpendicular to the floor.

Then use your abs to lift your head and shoulder off the ground and exhale. Now lay back down and inhale. Repeat this 12-16 times.

Benefits: Vertical leg crunch strengthens your abs and also reduces your belly fat.

Precautions: Do not perform this exercise if you have any heart disease or injury n any of the muscles involved in the exercise.

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4. The Bicycle Exercise

The bicycle exercise is one of the best exercises in reducing belly fat. It is believed to be the best exercise for getting rid of body fat.

Lie down on your back and slowly prop the back of your head with your hands. Pull the right knee towards the chest and extend left leg.

Switch to another leg to get the bicycle effect.

You can also perform side crunches with the bicycle.

Benefits: It is suitable for all age groups and helps in reducing belly fat by working the abs.   It also helps in providing strength.

Precautions: Do not perform this exercise if you have an injury in involved muscles or if you have heart disease.

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5. Twist Crunches

Lie down on the floor with your knees bent and hands behind your head. Exhale as you lift your upper body off the ground to one side and then back to the center.

Then inhale as lower your upper body to the floor. Repeat this on both sides.

Benefits: Twist crunches help in getting rid of belly fat as it engages abs in lifting your upper body and also strengthens your abs.

Precautions: Do not perform this exercise if you have any heart disease or muscle injury.

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6. Stomach Vacuum

It is a low impact exercise for reducing belly fat.

With all your fours on the ground and support your body with your knees and hands. Now exhale and hold your abs tight for 15-30 seconds. Repeat this 15 times.

Benefits: This exercise helps in getting rid of belly fat by engaging your abdomen muscles.

Precautions: Do not perform this exercise if you have any heart disease.

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7. Captain’s Chair

Sit on a chair with your spine straight. Place both your hands on either side and take a deep breath.

Bring your knees closer to the chest as you exhale and hold this position for 15-30 seconds and then bring your legs back to the floor..

Repeat this 15 times.

Benefits: This exercise engages your core in holding the position which helps in reducing belly fat.

Precautions: Do not perform the exercise if you have heart disease.

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8. Brisk Walking

Brisk walking is a good exercise for reducing belly fat at a beginner’s level.  It is said to be effective in losing body fat.

Brisk walking for 20-30 minutes 5 times a week can help in getting rid of belly fat.

Benefits: It is a basic exercise for losing belly fat.

Precautions: Do not perform this exercise for too long if you have heart disease.

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9. Jogging

Jogging is a basic exercise that helps in keeping your body fit and also has helps in losing body fat.

Jogging for 20-30 minutes for a minimum of five days a week can be helpful.

Benefits: Jogging helps in getting rid of extra fat accumulated in the body.

Precautions: Avoid the exercise if you have heart disease.

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10. Jump Squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Perform normal squats and then by using your core jump up.

Benefits: This exercise strengthens your core and helps in getting rid of extra belly fat.

Precautions: Do not perform the exercise if you have heart disease.

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11. Push Ups

Push ups help in strengthening your body, but they also have benefits in reducing belly fat. A 5-minute routine can be helpful to burn belly fat.

Benefits: Push ups helps in burning calories and thus getting rid of belly fat.

Precautions: Do not perform the exercise if you have an injury in shoulder or leg muscles or if you have any heart disease.

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12. Sit ups

Sit-ups are one of the common exercises to keep your body fit.  Performing sit-ups for 5 minutes can help in burning 33 calories.

Benefits: Sit-ups strengthen your abdominal muscles and also helps in getting rid of belly fat.

Precautions: Do not perform the exercise if you have a back injury or any heart disease.

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13. Swiss ball leg curl

Lay down on the floor with your legs on top of the ball such that your ankles are on top of the ball.

Slowly raise your hips off the ground with your body weight on your shoulders and feet.

Then flex your knees and pull the ball as close as possible.

Benefits: This exercise engages your core and thus helps in getting rid of belly fat.

Precautions: Avoid the exercise if you have heart disease

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14. Reverse leg raise

Get down on the floor on all fours. Hold your ab tight and lift your left leg in the air. Return to starting position and repeat with right leg.

Benefits: This exercise engages your abs in holding the position and thus helps in losing belly fat.

Precautions: Do not perform the exercise if you have heart disease.

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15. Lateral Lunge

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your hips.

Inhale as you Step out to the left with your body weight on your left leg and squat at a 90 degree at the left knee. Sit down on your butt with your back straight.

Exhale as you return to starting positions. Repeat this with your right leg.

Benefits: This exercise engages your abs and helps in reducing belly fat.

Precautions: Avoid this exercise if you have heart disease.

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16. Superman Plank

Begin with a standard plank position.

Extend one arm and simultaneously lift your opposite leg. Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat with another side.

Benefits: This exercise helps in strengthening your core and in losing belly fat.

Precautions: Avoid this exercise if you have any heart disease.

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17. Reverse Fly

Lie down on the incline bench on your stomach and hold dumbbells in both hands and bring your hands in front of you.

Exhale and move the weight out and away in an arch motion.

Benefits: This exercise helps in reducing belly fat, strengthens your upper back and improves body posture.

Precautions: Avoid this exercise if you have heart disease.

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18. Hanging leg raises

Hang from a chin-up bar with both of your arms extended at arm’s length on top of you.
The legs should be straight down with the pelvis rolled slightly backward.

Raise your legs until the torso is perpendicular to legs.

Exhale as you perform this movement and hold the position for a second and then return to starting position.

Benefits: This exercise engages your core in holding the position and thus helps in losing belly fat.

Precautions: Do not perform the exercise if you have any heart disease.

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19. Split leg arm reach

Hit the ground on all your fours with your legs and arms perpendicular to the ground.

Extend your right arm and left leg simultaneously such that they are parallel to the floor.

Return to start position and repeat this 20 times with both sides.

Benefits: This exercise will strengthen your abs, glutes, and hamstrings. It will also help in burning belly fat.

Precautions: Avoid the exercise if you have any heart disease.

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20. Spiderman Crawl

Begin with a prone position with your feet together and body straight. Bring your body weight to your hands and toes.

Your arms should be perpendicular to the floor. Lift one leg and rotate it and bring the knee towards your elbow. Return to start position and repeat with another leg.

Benefits: This exercise strengthens and stabilizes your core. It also helps in reducing belly fat.

Precautions: Avoid this exercise if you have heart disease.

Watch it here -

In the end..

Since an excess of belly fat may invite a lot of health problems, it is necessary, to begin with, essential measures to reduce it.

Along with proper diet, exercise is considered to be the most effective way of reducing belly fat.

Most of these exercises engage your core which helps you get rid of those extra pounds from your belly.

While performing any of the weight loss exercises it is necessary to perform them as per the instructions as any wrong position can be dangerous for your muscles or bones.

1 thought on “20 Awesome Exercises to Lose Belly Fat for Men”

  1. An excellent article, both well thought out and expertly put together. there is something in here for everybody, from the older complete beginner, like myself, or the athlete who needs to maintain a lean and healthy posture and weight. As a 52 year old, at 6ft 5 inches and 21 stone, I am definitely a bit too round around the middle and this is the best, safest article that I have seen since I stopped playing sports at 37. a serious incentive for me to start down a healthy and achievable exercise track again. Thanks to everyone who shared their know how and expertise in putting this together and making it freely available. Pete.


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