30 Science Backed Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a herbal and medicinal plant used since generations for its health benefits.

A plant of the Liliaceae family, it is scientifically known as Aloe barbadensis miller and is a best grown in tropical and subtropical regions around the world.

Aloe vera leaves are grey-green in appearance, thick and fleshy which contain the aloe vera gel. Aloe vera juice is extracted from these leaves.

Aloe vera contains many nutrients including amino acids, anthraquinones, enzymes, hormones, lignins, sterols, saponins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. All these nutrients give aloe vera its health-promoting properties.

Let us learn about the many advantages of Aloe vera for health. You can either read the full article or use the Table of Contents below to jump to the one you are interested in.

30 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

We have discussed aloe vera properties, its benefits in various disorders, etc. in this section.

1. Aloe vera nutrition Powerhouse

Apart from therapeutic uses, consumption of aloe vera is beneficial for the overall well being of the body as it is full of nutrients.

These nutrients are the reason for its anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and antioxidant nature.

It contains most of the required amino acids (20 amino acids out of 22), carbohydrates, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid and choline are present in aloe vera in significant amounts.

It also contains plant hormones like auxins and gibberellins and several enzymes including bradykinase, oxidase, amylase, catalase, etc. which help in reducing inflammation and promote metabolism.

What does this mean? Aloe vera intake can load you with many essential nutrients like sugars, proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and hormones.

(Read More Aloe vera Nutrition)

2. Aloe vera helps in blood pressure regulation

Abnormalities in the blood pressure levels can increase one’s risk of having cardiovascular ailments.

High blood pressure can cause heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and kidney failure.

Although the direct effects of Aloe vera in the regulation of blood pressure have not been widely studied, it is believed that Aloe vera can play a role in maintaining proper health and functioning of the blood vessels, which will facilitate optimum pressure levels of blood.

Aloe vera contains vitamin C which is required to make collagen, an important constituent of blood vessels. Vitamin C is also known to lower blood pressure.

Aloe vera is used in some parts of the world for treating hypertension.

More research is required to reach a definite conclusion.

What does this mean? Aloe vera improves the functionality and health of blood vessels which helps in regulating the blood pressure levels.

(Read More Aloe vera for Blood Pressure)

3. Aloe vera reduces the symptoms of metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome refers to the abnormal levels of blood pressure, blood glucose lipids in the body.

This can increase the risk of having other serious diseases like cardiovascular ailments, diabetes, and obesity.

In studies, it was found that Aloe vera was successful in reducing the blood glucose, insulin, and cholesterol levels significantly.

This means that it will be helpful in preventing many diseases that arise due to metabolic abnormalities.

What does this mean? Aloe vera helps in the regulation of blood glucose, insulin and lipid levels in the blood which assist in preventing and treating metabolic syndrome and associated diseases.

(Read More Aloe vera reduces Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome in 2 months)

4. Aloe vera helps in diabetes management

Diabetes is caused by increased levels of blood glucose as a result of lowered insulin or insulin resistance.

Insulin is the hormone responsible for the regulation of blood sugar levels.

The effects of aloe vera on diabetes have been widely studied with positive outcomes.

In studies, pulp from the leaves of aloe vera was successful in lowering the blood glucose in type 2 diabetes.

Aloe vera based compositions are also beneficial in enhancing plasma insulin levels and maintaining optimum blood glucose levels.

Aloe vera promotes faster healing of wounds and could be used to treat diabetic wounds which take much time to heal.

In a study, a formulation called Mepentol Leche was successfully used to treat diabetic foot ulcers. It helped in relieving itching, pain, redness, and rashes.

It protected the skin and prevented the formation of lesions.

It was also well tolerated and absorbed by the skin.

What does this mean? Due to its glucose and insulin lowering effects, aloe vera helps in the treatment of diabetes and diabetic wounds.

How to use? - 15ml or 1tbsp of aloe vera gel can be taken daily by diabetes patients. However, this may vary among individuals depending on their health condition.

(Read More Aloe vera for Diabetes)

5. Aloe vera promotes weight loss and prevents obesity

Obesity is usually caused by dysregulation of several substances in the blood mainly glucose and lipids.

This occurs as a result of metabolic abnormalities.

High levels of glucose and cholesterol can lead to fat deposition in the body, causing weight gain.

Aloe vera is known to promote lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the body which results in decreased levels of cholesterol and glucose in the blood.

This helps weight regulation and prevention of obesity.

Dietary consumption of Aloe vera has been shown to assist in lowering glucose and insulin levels while promoting weight loss.

What does this mean? Aloe vera prevents and treats obesity by reducing body weight, body fats, blood glucose and lipids.

How to use? - For weight loss, fresh aloe vera juice and aloe drinks can be prepared and consumed daily.

6. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties

Inflammation is caused by the body’s immune response as a result of any injury or infection.

It can also be caused by the autoimmune reaction of the body where the immune cells start attacking the body cells.

Inflammation is a common symptom of various ailments in the body.

The anti-inflammatory nature of aloe vera and its therapeutic advantages have been proven by many studies.

This anti-inflammatory nature can be attributed to the presence of polysaccharides like glucomannans and hormones like auxins and gibberellins in aloe vera.

Treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases, inflammatory skin conditions, ulcers, arthritis, and any other inflammatory disorder, is possible because of this property of aloe vera.

What does this mean? Aloe vera contains many anti-inflammatory agents that help in controlling inflammation and treating inflammatory diseases.

How to use? - For treating inflammation, aloe vera gel can be included in the diet.

Topical application of aloe vera gel or medicated aloe cream at the site of inflammation helps in relieving pain, swelling and soothes the affected area.

(Read More Aloe vera as an anti-inflammatory)

Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

7. Aloe vera benefits in joint pain

Inflammation is the main reason for joint pain.

The inflammation can be caused by many factors like autoimmune reaction, infection, fractures, wear and tear of the joint, gout, etc.

Aloe can help in reducing inflammation of the joints, promote joint repair and protect it from further damage.

Gibberellin, a growth hormone in aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties which help in relieving pain and inflammation of the joints and promote healing, particularly in arthritis cases.

What does this mean? Aloe vera is beneficial in relieving joint pain and inflammation and promotes faster healing of joint injuries and infections.

How to use? One tablespoon of aloe vera juice can be taken twice daily for relieving joint pain. The dosage can be increased gradually if no adverse effects are seen.

Aloe vera gel applied to the joint can help in reducing the pain and inflammation.

(Read More Aloe vera juice for Joint pain)

8. Aloe vera is useful for strained muscles

Strained muscles are usually caused by wear and tear of the muscles by excess pressure applied during a physical activity like exercise, playing sports or lifting heavy weights.

Damage to the muscles activates the body’s repair mechanism which leads to inflammation and swelling in the area.

Aloe vera contains various anti-inflammatory agents like the carbohydrate mannose-6-phosphate which helps in alleviating pain and swelling in strained muscles and also facilitates repair and healing.

Aloe vera stimulates the immune system and detoxifies the body which helps in removal of dead cells and ensures faster repair of the muscles and ligaments.

What does this mean? Inflammation and pain in the muscles caused by a strain can be treated using aloe vera, which also promotes faster healing of muscles.

How to use? Topical application of aloe vera gel helps in treating strained muscles. Aloe vera gel combined with tea tree oil helps in reducing pain and inflammation of the muscles.

(Read More Aloe vera for Strained Muscles and Aloe vera for DOMS)

9. Aloe vera promotes faster wound healing

Aloe vera is very beneficial in healing various kinds of wounds. It promotes early repair by increasing the number of immune cells and substances which are involved in the repair process.

It also promotes the growth and differentiation of skin cells and other body cells.

Apart from wound healing, aloe vera can relieve pain from chronic wounds and is more efficient than other widely used creams and ointments.

It has shown positive results and high efficacy in healing burn wounds and caesarian wounds.

What does this mean? Aloe vera up regulates the production of immune cells and growth of skin cells which results in faster wound healing. It has been proved to be beneficial in treating various types of wounds including burn wounds and caesarian injuries.

How to use? Aloe vera gel applied on gauze dressing can be utilized daily to treat all kinds of wounds until the wound is healed. However, aloe vera should not be used for deep wounds and burns.

10. Aloe vera prevents cancer

Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled division and multiplication of cells that results in the formation of tumors.

Aloe vera has anti-cancer properties which aid in reducing the proliferation of cancerous cells and inhibiting tumor growth. It also helps in identification and killing of cancerous cells.

Aloe vera is also useful in protecting against damage caused by radiation and preventing the occurrence of cancer.

The effects of Aloe vera in treating various kinds of cancers are discussed below:

Colon Cancer: Aloe vera helps in the reduction of chronic inflammation, cell proliferation and tumor growth in the colon. It also decreases the number and size of colorectal aberrant crypt foci, which leads to the development of colorectal cancer.

Prostate cancer: Cancerous growth in the prostate can be inhibited by aloe vera use. Aloe vera has been utilized in some parts of the world for treating prostate cancer.

In studies, aloe emodin, a type of anthraquinone found in aloe vera has shown anti-tumor activity against prostate cancer cells.

Breast cancer and cervical cancer: Aloe vera is beneficial in inhibiting tumor cell growth in the breast and cervix and also enhances the efficacy of cisplatin, a conventional drug used for cancer treatment.

Ovarian Cancer: Aloesin present in aloe vera suppresses tumor growth and progression in ovarian cancer cells. It inhibits the uncontrolled division of the cell and helps in apoptosis (killing) of cancerous cells.

Leukemia: Diethylhexylpthalate (DEHP), a compound present in Aloe vera shows the antileukemic effect and helps in prevention of leukemia.

Stomach cancer: Aloe emodin found in aloe vera suppresses the proliferation of human gastric cancerous cells and promotes the killing of cancerous cells, which makes it suitable for treating stomach cancer.

Tongue squamous cancer: Aloe-emodin, a type of anthraquinone present in aloe vera, helps in combating the free radicals which can cause cancer.

It enhances the immune response against cancerous cells which results in their death.

Thus, it has potential to be used in treating squamous tongue cancer.

Skin cancer: Aloe-emodin found in Aloe vera showed anticancer activity against non-melanoma skin cancer cells. It helped in combating and killing of these cells.

Moreover, Aloe vera protects the skin from harmful Ultraviolet radiations which can cause skin cancer.

What does this mean? Aloe vera inhibits tumor growth and progression and helps in killing cancerous cells. It has been proven to be beneficial in treating cancer of the colon, prostate, blood, ovaries, breast, skin, tongue and stomach.

(Read More Aloe vera and Prostate cancer)

11. Aloe vera improves digestion

Aloe vera has numerous benefits for maintaining digestive health.

It helps in alleviating inflammation and infection, the two leading causes of gastrointestinal disorders.

Its anti-inflammatory nature helps in reducing inflammation of the stomach and intestines and helps in preventing the formation of ulcers.

Thus it assists in treating ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, gastritis, and peptic ulcers.

It has anti-microbial properties which help in the eradication of bacterial, viral and fungal infections of the stomach.

Due to its laxative nature, aloe latex helps in relieving constipation, eases symptoms of hemorrhoids and flushes out toxins from the digestive tract.

What does this mean? Aloe vera is useful in treating inflammatory conditions, microbial infections and ulcer formation in the gastrointestinal tract which improves digestive process. It helps in proper cleansing of the gut by preventing constipation.

How to use? - Regular consumption of 100-200ml of aloe vera juice improves digestion.

(Read More Aloe vera for Digestion)

12. Aloe vera is beneficial for Acid Reflux and GERD

The abnormal reflux of gastric juices from the stomach into the mouth, esophagus or lungs is referred to as Acid reflux or GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease).

The juices are acidic and can damage the mucosal lining along with the tissues.

A study was conducted on 79 subjects who were given Aloe vera syrup for a month.

After the trial period, it was reported that Aloe was safe for consumption in GERD patients and it helped in relieving all the symptoms, including heartburn, flatulence, belching, nausea, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing, acid and food regurgitations.

What does this mean? Aloe vera helps in easing the symptoms of patients with acid reflux and GERD.

How to use? 10 ml of Aloe vera syrup per day helps in treating acid reflux and GERD.

(Read More Aloe vera Benefits in Acid Reflux and GERD)

13. Aloe vera treats Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBDs)

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), as the name suggests occurs due to chronic inflammation in the digestive tract and causes pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight loss.

The two most common types of IBD are Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease.

Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the lining of the long intestine (colon).

In Crohn’s disease, the inflammation is more severe and spreads to the inner tissues of the intestines or other parts of the digestive system.

Aloe vera gel has been widely used as a complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of IBD.

This is because aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which help in reducing intestinal inflammation and tissue damage. Aloe vera inhibits prostaglandins, substances that mediate the inflammatory process.

In a study conducted on people with ulcerative colitis, aloe vera helped in improving the symptoms of the disease in about 47% of the patients, without having any side effects.

Also, aloe vera has been found to be beneficial for healing gastric ulcers.

What does this mean? Aloe vera aids in reducing inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and helps in treating Inflammatory Bowel diseases like Ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease.

How to use? 100 ml of Aloe vera juice, when taken twice daily, can contribute to treating the symptoms of IBD. However, only pure aloe vera juice should be taken, without the latex content.

The latex has laxative effects and can worsen the symptoms of IBDs. 2-3 aloe vera pills can be taken daily.

(Read More Aloe vera juice for Ulcerative colitis)
(Read More 6 Proven Benefits of Aloe vera for Crohn’s)

14. Aloe benefits in Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids cause the swelling of the veins of the lower rectum which leads to anal pain and itching, bloody stools and painful bowel movements. This sometimes occurs as a result of constipation.

Aloe vera latex is a laxative agent that can be used to prevent constipation.

Aloe vera gel can help in easing the skin irritation, burning sensation and soreness by providing a soothing and cooling effect.

It can also assist in reducing the inflammation and pain in the hemorrhoids.

A cream containing aloe vera juice helps in relieving pain and healing of the wounds in patients with hemorrhoids.

What does this mean? Aloe vera helps in alleviating pain and inflammation from the hemorrhoids and prevents constipation due to its laxative effects.

How to use? 50-200 ml of Aloe latex can be taken daily for relieving constipation depending on the tolerability of the person. Start with small doses and in the absence of any side effects, increase the dose gradually.

(Read More Aloe vera and Hemorrhoids)

15. Aloe vera relieves constipation

Constipation is a common problem which is caused by hard stools or weak colon muscles, which make it difficult for the person to push the stool outside. This usually occurs because of an unhealthy lifestyle and poor eating habits.

Aloe latex found in the rind (outer layer) of the leaf is a quite potent laxative and can be used to treat constipation.

The anthraquinone, Aloe emodin not only increases the water content in the intestines, which makes the stools loose but also increases mucous secretion, which facilitates easy passage of the stool.

However, this should be taken with care as aloe latex has a strong effect and may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.

What does this mean? Aloe latex is a strong laxative which loosens the stools and makes it easier to pass through the intestines, thereby preventing constipation.

How to use? - Aloe vera juice containing aloe latex can be consumed twice daily for relieving constipation. However, this should be taken only for a limited time as its overuse can cause abdominal problems.

(Read More Aloe vera for Constipation)

16. Aloe vera prevents and heals stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcers or peptic ulcers are caused when the thick mucosal lining of the stomach gets reduced or eroded which causes the digestive acids and juices to attack the inner tissues of the stomach.

This can happen by infection from the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, excessive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acidity or overproduction of digestive juices.

Aloe vera helps in reducing the secretion of gastric acids and helps in protecting the mucous from injury by acids.

Inflammation and ulcers can be caused in the stomach by an attack of acids. It has been found that Aloe vera inhibits the Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukins which cause inflammation and subsequent ulcers and thus helps in faster healing of gastric ulcers.

Additionally, Aloe vera has a bactericidal action against various strains of Helicobacter pylori, which causes infection and ulcers in the stomach.

What does this mean? Aloe vera helps in relieving inflammation in the stomach, promotes healing of ulcers and reduces secretion of gastric acids. It also inhibits the bacteria responsible for causing stomach ulcers.

How to use? - 100ml of aloe vera juice can be taken twice daily to prevent gastric ulcer formation.

(Read More Aloe vera for Stomach Ulcers)

17. Aloe vera is useful in case of gastritis

Gastritis leads to inflammation and swelling of the lining of the stomach. This can be caused by infection, bile reflux, stress, excessive use of alcohol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It causes pain in stomach, nausea, and vomiting, and in extreme cases can lead to the development of gastric ulcers and tumors.

Aloe vera decreases the secretion of gastric juices and pectin and prevents the formation of gastric ulcers and lesions.

Aloe vera has antimicrobial properties due to which it inhibits the growth of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori and Herpes simplex virus which cause infections in the stomach.

Also, due to its anti-inflammatory nature, it reduces the inflammatory mediators and tackles the inflammation and swelling in the stomach.

What does this mean? Aloe vera helps in treating gastritis by reducing stomach inflammation, acid secretion, ulcer formation and stomach infection.

How to use? - 1000 ml of Aloe vera juice can be taken two times daily for relieving symptoms of gastritis.

(Read More Aloe vera for Gastritis)

18. Aloe vera promotes kidney health

The major role of the kidney is the excretion of waste products, which could otherwise cause toxicity or harm if they remain inside the body.

Aloe vera helps in protecting the kidney from damage by many toxins and carcinogens that one may contact.

It also protects the kidney tissues from damage that occurs as a result of diabetes.

Apart from this, aloe vera is very beneficial in preventing kidney stones. Due to the high concentration of citrate and tartrate in aloe vera, urinary oxalate and calcium secretion increases which avoid the formation of kidney stones.

What does this mean? Aloe vera promotes kidney health by inhibiting the formation of kidney stones and protecting the kidney from damage by toxins.

How to use? - A quarter cup of aloe vera juice taken daily can ensure good kidney health.

(Read More Aloe vera juice for kidney)

19. Aloe vera helps in maintaining good skin health

Aloe vera has been used since generations for treating various skin disorders, delaying skin aging and maintaining healthy skin. Due to this, aloe vera has been incorporated in many cosmetics, creams, and lotions.

For skin, both topical and oral intake of aloe vera is beneficial.

Aloe vera offers benefits in following skin conditions:


Aging results in thinning of the skin, loss of oils and moisture and reduced skin cell formation, which causes wrinkles.

Aloe vera increases the production of skin cells and collagen which improves skin elasticity. It helps in removal of dead skin cells which results in smoother skin. It moisturizes the skin and makes it soft.

In a study published in the Journal Annals of Dermatology, it was found that dietary intake of aloe vera improved skin elasticity and wrinkles by increasing collagen production.

In another study, aloe vera increased skin hydration, moisture, and collagen which helped in preventing facial wrinkles.

(Read More Eating Aloe vera gel can reduce Face Wrinkles)

(Read More Can Aloe vera help in case of Wrinkles?)

Skin healing

Aloe vera promotes the growth of skin cells and constituents and helps in skin repair. It promotes faster healing of skin wounds and burns injuries.

It can also treat skin infections caused by microbes and improve blood circulation in the skin to speed up the healing process.

(Read More Aloe vera for Skin Healing)


It is a skin disorder which occurs due to fast replication of skin cells. As these skin cells die, they get accumulated on the skin and form plaques or white scales. It occurs more frequently in the elbows, knees, and scalp and causes itching and significant discomfort.

Aloe vera has been proved to be beneficial in treating psoriasis.

In a study conducted in 60 patients for four months, it was reported that 83% patients who were treated with aloe vera extract were cured without any adverse effects.

Aloe vera helped in the removal of plaques and reducing psoriasis affected area.

How to use - For psoriasis, taking 0.5% of aloe vera extract thrice daily benefits in relieving the symptoms.

UV-induced Damage

Aloe vera helps in protecting the skin from damage by harmful UV radiations of the sun.

It is effective against both UV-A and UV-B radiations that deteriorate the skin health and cause skin cancer.

Atopic Dermatitis

Dermatitis or inflammation of the skin results in the itchy, red and swollen skin. Topical application of aloe vera gel helps in reducing inflammation from the skin and reduces levels of serum immunoglobulins which cause inflammation.

It is a safer and more efficient alternative to antihistamines and corticosteroids, which are usually used for the treatment of atopic dermatitis.


Scabies is the infestation of the skin caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. It results in tiny burrows in the skin which cause itching and rashes.

Some studies have reported treatment of scabies and its lesions using aloe vera gel without any side effects. It was found to be as effective as benzyl benzoate which is used by scabietic patients.

What does this mean? Aloe vera moisturizes and heals the skin, prevents and treats wrinkles, psoriasis, scabies and dermatitis in addition to protecting the skin from damage by UV radiations.

How to use?

Here are some great ways to use Aloe vera:For wrinkles, pure aloe gel can be applied to the skin daily for better results.

  • For wrinkles, pure aloe gel can be applied to the skin daily for better results.
  • Aloe vera lotion can be prepared at home by combining half a cup each of fresh aloe vera gel, olive oil and coconut oil with juice of one medium cucumber. This is very useful for treating wrinkles.
  • Aloe vera face mask can be made by combining aloe vera gel and honey in equal amounts. It can be applied daily for 20-30 minutes for healthy skin.
  • Making aloe vera cream is also quite easy. Combine half a cup of coconut oil and almond oil to one cup aloe vera gel. Add one tsp of any essential oil and vitamin E liquid. Now mix a tbsp of beeswax and lanolin after mild heating of the above mixture. Your aloe vera cream is ready for use.
  • Many aloe products like aloe cream, aloe lotions, and aloe vera serum are available in the market. However, only branded products should be used after consulting with the cosmetologist.

(Read More How to make Awesome Aloe vera Mask)
(Read More Homemade Aloe vera cream)

20. Aloe vera treats cold sores

Cold sores are caused by Herpes Simplex virus (HSV) which is characterized by the appearance of painful blisters on the cheeks, mouth, lips, nose, and fingers.

Aloe vera gel has been found to show antiviral properties and inhibit the replication of Herpes Simplex Virus.

This is because of the presence of emodin, a type of anthraquinone in aloe vera plant which inactivates the virus by disrupting its envelope.

Aloe vera gel can be beneficial in relieving pain and inflammation in the blisters and help them heal faster.

What does this mean? Aloe vera inhibits the virus which causes cold sores and helps in reducing its symptoms.

How to use? - Dietary intake of 1-2 tbsp of aloe vera gel twice daily can help in treating cold sores. The gel can also be applied to affected area topically, but only after doctor’s consultation.

(Read More Aloe vera for Cold Sores)

21. Aloe vera treats cellulite

Cellulite causes deposition of fats in various parts of the body like hips, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks. It leads to an uneven skin at the site of fat accumulation.

Aloe vera has been used for the treatment of various skin conditions. It has a deep moisturizing effect which enables it to penetrate into the skin and help in removal of dead cells and unwanted materials from the skin, hydrate the skin and promote skin health.

This suggests its possibility for treatment of cellulite.

Aloe vera gel has been used in various skin treatment formulations for treatment of cellulite.

What does this mean? Studies have proved the efficacy of aloe vera in treatment of various skin conditions including cellulite.

How to use? - Aloe vera cream can be applied to the affected area to combat cellulite.

(Read More Aloe vera for Cellulite)

22. Aloe vera aids in Seborrheic Dermatitis treatment

Seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff is a widespread disorder of the scalp which causes flakes and scales to develop in the scalp or ear.

Topical application of Aloe vera has been found to be useful for the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis.

Studies have shown that aloe vera extract was successful in controlling the disease by reducing the scaliness and itchiness in patients.

Substances like Bradykinase and gibberellins in aloe vera make it an excellent moisturizer and help in promoting skin health.

Also, due to its anti-inflammatory nature, it can contribute to healing the scaled and dry skin that gets inflamed by regular itching and scraping.

What does this mean? Itching, dry skin, dandruff, and flakes in seborrheic dermatitis can be treated with the moisturizing and healing effects of aloe vera.

How to use? - Aloe vera cream containing 30% aloe emulsion can be applied to the affected area which will help in improving the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis.

(Read More Aloe vera and Seborrheic dermatitis)

23. Aloe vera promotes hair health and treats dry hair

Aloe vera is a great moisturizing agent which helps in restoring hair moisture and strength. It can also assist in removing the flakes and dandruff from dry hair.

It restores the natural hair oils, promotes hair growth, conditions and nourishes the hair and scalp.

It also improves blood circulation in the scalp which ensures proper delivery of nutrients to the hair follicles, thereby stimulating their health.

What does this mean? Dry hair can be treated with the moisturizing and hydrating effects of Aloe vera.

How to use? Aloe vera gel can be applied to the scalp and hair for reducing the dryness.
It is beneficial to use aloe vera shampoos, conditioners and hair serums which help in restoring shine and softness in hair.

(Read More Aloe vera for Dry Hair)

24. Aloe vera fights off microbial infections

Microbes including bacteria, virus, and fungi cause many infections and sometimes deadly diseases in humans.

Aloe vera has microbicidal activity against many microbes:


Aloe vera inhibits the growth of many strains of bacterial pathogens including Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus bovis, E. coli, P. vulgaris, P. mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, M. morganii, K. pneumonia and H. pylori. These bacteria cause infections in the stomach, wounds, urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, and skin


Aloe vera suppresses the replication of many viruses like herpes simplex virus (HSV), Japanese encephalitis virus and enterovirus which cause diseases like herpes, oral infections, neurological disorders, dengue, yellow fever, etc.


Aloe vera has been proved to show antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger and Candida albicans which cause yeast infections in lung, ear, throat, mouth, blood, vagina and gut.

What does this mean? Many diseases caused by microbes can be treated and prevented by consumption of aloe vera as it inhibits many strains of bacteria, virus, and fungi.

How to use? - Consuming aloe vera daily in limited amounts will provide protection and immunity against microbial infections. Topical application of aloe vera gel or aloe cream also benefits in skin diseases.

(Read More Aloe vera for Yeast Infections)

25. Aloe vera prevents urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are usually caused by bacteria, virus, and yeast and affect the kidney, urethra or bladder, more frequently in women.

There is no direct evidence which proves the efficacy of aloe vera in treating UTI. However, certain properties of aloe vera point out its potential health benefits in treating these infections.

For instance, the ability of aloe vera to inhibit various strains of bacteria, virus, and fungus suggests that it could prevent or treat diseases caused by these microbes in the urinary tract.

Aloe vera inhibits the growth of the bacterium Proteus vulgaris and M. morganii which cause UTI.

What does this mean? The microbes which cause infections in the urinary tract are successfully inhibited by aloe vera.

(Read More Aloe vera for Urinary Tract Infections (UTI))

26. Aloe vera can aid in the treatment of sepsis

Sepsis or Septicemia is a life-threatening condition which occurs when the immune cells which were released by the body to fight infections, start attacking the body tissues and organs.

The inflammatory system becomes overactive and causes inflammation in various parts of the body.

Sepsis may be triggered by bacterial, viral or fungal infections. It is identified by fever, infection and elevated heart rate and breathing rates.

Aloe vera helps in suppressing the inflammatory mediators like Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukins.

It inhibits the bacterial growth which might be the cause of infection and the trigger of sepsis. Aloe vera can assist in combating multiple organ failures which can happen in severe cases of sepsis.

What does this mean? Aloe vera can have therapeutic uses for treatment and prevention of sepsis.

27. Aloe vera enhances oral and dental health

Aloe vera has many benefits in promoting dental and oral health due to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory nature. Most of the oral diseases are caused by microbial infections or inflammation in the mouth.

Aloe vera helps in the treatment of the following conditions of the mouth:

Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSF):

This disorder causes inflammation in the mucous lining of the mouth which can lead to the formation of lesions, ulcers, and tumors.

Aloe vera has been proved to be a safe and efficient way to treat OSF and helps in relieving pain, healing wounds and preventing cancerous growth in the mucous lining.

Oral Lichen Planus (OLP):

This disorder causes pain and burning sensation in the mouth due to inflammation of mucous membranes. Aloe vera helps in reducing pain and other symptoms while improving the overall quality of life in the patients.

Oral Mucositis:

This occurs as a side effect of chemotherapy medications used for treating cancer. It leads to the breakdown of the mucosal lining of the mouth and formation of ulcers.

In studies, aloe vera mouthwash has been found be as beneficial as benzydamine mouthwash in reducing the symptoms and severity of mucositis, without any adverse effects.

Oral infections:

Aloe Vera's anti-microbial properties help in inhibiting the growth of many bacterial strains which cause tooth decay and other periodontal diseases.

Dental Plaque:

Dental plaque is the layer of microbes that cover the teeth surface and lead to tooth decay. In various studies, it has been found that aloe vera mouthwash is very beneficial in reducing microbial growth and dental plaque.


Gingivitis leads to inflammation of the gums caused by bacterial infections.

Aloe vera helps in fighting off the bacteria that cause gingivitis and was found to be as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash for treating this disease.

Oral Ulcers:

Oral ulcers or recurrent aphthous stomatitis causes pain and burning sensation of the mouth. This may be due to bacterial or fungal infections or allergies.

Aloe vera and myrrh based gels have been found to be effective in decreasing the ulcer size, pain and redness in the ulcers without any side effects.

What does this mean? Aloe vera is an excellent treatment measure for various kinds of oral and dental disorders and infections including dental plaque, tooth decay, gingivitis, ulcers, mucositis, oral submucous fibrosis and oral lichen planus.

How to use? Aloe vera gel can be applied to ulcers and gums for treating pain and inflammation.

The best way to use aloe vera for oral conditions is to incorporate it in mouthwash or use aloe vera toothpaste or mouthwashes available commercially.

28. Aloe vera aids in the treatment of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis causes the damage of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord which leads to the development of other physical and mental ailments. It causes weakness of the eyes, muscles, and problems with proper body coordination.

Aloe vera has been found to be helpful in reducing the severity and progression of multiple sclerosis in experimental animal models. It decreased the nitric oxide content which causes nerve damage.

What does this mean? Studies have shown the potential of aloe vera in controlling the progression and severity of multiple sclerosis.

29. Aloe vera can treat sleeping disorders

Sleep is essential to maintain a healthy body. The sleep of proper duration and quality helps in relaxation and restoration of body energy.

Inability to sleep called Insomnia affects many individuals, including those affected by obesity, heart diseases, depression, anxiety, and concentration issues.

In a study, it was shown that aloe vera has sedative and hypnotic effects on the brain which can be used to promote sleep and cure sleep disorders.

It also contains the amino acid glycine which is known to induce sleep.

What does this mean? Aloe vera can be used to formulate sleep inducing drugs which could help in increasing sleep duration and quality.

30. Aloe vera is good for brain health

Brain health is affected by many factors, the primary reason being the development of oxidative stress in the brain.

This is caused by increased production of reactive oxygen species which act as toxins and can cause oxidative damage to nerve cells.

Some diseases like diabetes, hypertension, obesity, depression, and stress also have an adverse effect on the brain.

Aloe vera has excellent antioxidants which are crucial for the treatment of oxidative stress.

It has neuroprotective properties which help in inhibiting damage to mitochondria and brain cells.

In a study on animal models, oxidative damage in the brain which led to a decrease in memory function in diabetes cases was reduced with the help of Aloe vera extracts.

This assisted in improving memory and motor function.

In other studies, it was found that aloe vera, due to its antioxidative nature, helps in reducing seizures and convulsions and could be beneficial in treating epilepsy patients.

Hypertension and high cholesterol can block arteries and limit the supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the brain.

This causes the death of brain cells which are unable to receive oxygen. As a result, instances of stroke, cerebral ischemia, and tissue injuries increase.

Aloe vera polysaccharides were found to be beneficial in combating cerebral ischemia and tissue injury and inhibited the death of brain cells.

What does this mean? In studies, aloe vera has shown to promote brain health and helped in dealing with brain disorders.

Aloe vera Recipes

Here are some of the ways by which you can incorporate Aloe vera in your diet and benefit from it.

Aloe vera fruit drink


  • 1 tbsp aloe vera gel
  • 1 tsp lemon juice/ 1 cup orange juice/ 1 cup apple juice
  • One tsp honey
  • Fresh mint for garnish


  • Blend the aloe vera gel in a blender.
  • Add orange juice or lemon juice and honey to the blender and blend again.
  • Pour into a glass and garnish with mint. The drink is ready.

Aloe vera smoothie


  • ½ cup aloe vera gel
  • One medium cucumber
  • 1 cup spinach
  • ½ tsp chia seeds or flax seeds
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 2 cups coconut milk/ almond milk/ soy milk


  • Blend all the ingredients together till they become smooth.
    Aloe vera smoothie is ready.

Precautions to be taken while using Aloe vera

Always consult with your physician before taking aloe vera for therapeutic uses.

Aloe vera can cause allergic reactions in people with known allergy to plants of the Liliaceae family.

Aloe latex, being a strong laxative can cause abdominal pains, cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. Loss of body fluids can also result in electrolyte imbalances in the body.

High doses of aloe vera can affect kidney health adversely.

Aloe vera can interfere with the working of certain medications; therefore persons undertaking medications for any health condition should first consult with the doctor before taking aloe vera.

Aloe vera should be administered to pregnant and breastfeeding women and children only after seeking advice from a medical practitioner.

(Read More Possible side effects of Aloe vera)

In the end..

Aloe vera has been scientifically proven to benefit in numerous health conditions.

It helps in the treatment of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, blood pressure, obesity, sepsis, sleep disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, skin disorders, hair problems, cancer, pancreatitis, joint pain, strained muscles, multiple sclerosis, microbial infections, oral diseases, and dental disorders.

It is anti-inflammatory in nature and help in removing harmful toxins from the body. Aloe vera, if consumed with precaution will undoubtedly assist in the prevention of these ailments.

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